The first comprehensive and accurate account of Bhutan and its enigmatic past.

The Book | History of Bhutan

History of Bhutan

The History of Bhutan.

The first comprehensive and accurate account of Bhutan and its enigmatic past

Dr Karma Phuntsho | History of Bhutan

Dr Karma Phuntsho

Karma Phuntsho is a Bhutanese Tibetan Buddhist scholar, with a Ph.D., earned from Oxford University.

The Book | History of Bhutan


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Spend one week with the foremost leading authority on Bhutan and Buddhism!

Neykor - An Inspired Tour with Local Luminary 20 - 26 December 2015

Bhutanese are often considered the happiest people in the world. Would you like to learn more about how they handle stress? What is the role of meditation in your daily life and how can it help you? Why do Bhutanese hang beautiful colorful prayer flags all over the country?

Your only chance to join a tour led Dr Karma Phuntso, an imminent thought leader on Bhutan and Buddhism. He led just one tour last year and will only be leading one tour this year.

Dr Karma wrote the 704 pages History of Bhutan, the most detailed book on Bhutan, its founding and establishment. His other high reviewed book covered emptiness, its meaning and the discourse of this concept. He studied at Oxford and was the first Bhutanese to receive Oxbridge Fellowship.

  • Limited to just 16 travellers.
  • Daily guided meditation by Dr Karma
  • Daily discourse on Buddhism
  • Introduction to Buddhism and its origin
  • Introduction to the concept of emptiness
  • Enjoy USD 219 discount for early birds!
  • Read detailed itinerary here
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